Last year at this time we reviewed some deductions to close out the 2011 Tax year. Here are 5 Personal Tax Tips we can look at as we close out 2012: 1) Check your withholding and boost it in December … Continue reading
5 Tax Tips as we approach the end of 2012
The Fiscal Cliff
There is sure to be a lot of talk now about the fiscal cliff, a huge set of $500 billion dollar tax hikes and spending cuts that will go into effect if congress does nothing before the New Year. How … Continue reading
Is your passion a Hobby or a Business?
Who doesn’t have a hobby, right? We all need something to do when we aren’t working to help us get through the day. But are you making money from your hobby? The Internal Revenue Service defines a hobby as an … Continue reading
TAXES: Obama vs. Romney and what it means to you!
Well it is time to get into one of the most important topics this election season: Individual income taxes, which represents 47% of the entire federal budget. There is one big battle after another when it comes to Obama vs. Romney … Continue reading
Podcast: Renting a Home vs Buying a Home
Pete Falconi of Radio 1450 WNBP in Newburyport chats with Stu about the housing market and Renting vs. Buying. People are on both sides of this issue as is the case with many issues. Mortgage Rates are so low and … Continue reading
Taxation of Professional Athletes
Win Damon of and Radio 1450 in Newburyport and Stu review the taxation of Professional Athletes as well as the taxation of the medals won by the amateurs at the Olympics. Imagine the pro athlete who works in various … Continue reading
If you are an entrepreneur or a small business owner like me, you will want to make sure you have paid the correct yearly tax to the IRS and/or your state government. You may also have to pay estimates is … Continue reading
5 things to do if you get a letter from the IRS
Imagine you come home from work after a very busy day, the kids are acting crazy, and you have to open one of those thick letters that came certified from the IRS. It is generally not a very fun … Continue reading
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